- Celebrations ( May Friendship Day, Human Rights Day, and World Community Day) are held at the local unit level.
- World Day of Prayer may be held at the state and local level, although typically held at the local level.
- Other projects and events are held at the local unit level and encouraged and supported by the state unit.
- At the state level there are quarterly board meetings, area meetings, the leadership council and the state assembly. In 2021 we held a state-level
World Day of Prayer celebration.
STATE LEVEL __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Leadership Council
​Leader's Council consists of all elected and appointed members of the Executive
Board, presidents of Local Units or their designees, and denominational represen-tatives or their designees.
The Executive Board meets four (4) times each year - February, May, August and October.
Special meetings may also be called by the President of the CWUO Executive Board.
Quarterly State Board Meetings
These meetings are held at the same time and place as the Leadership Council.
State Assembly
A State Assembly is held annually at a time and place set by the Executive Board, usually in the month of April. The assembly is open to all Christian women for fellowship, study, training, witnessing, expressing concerns and acting in on State, National and International issues.
Area Meetings
Area meetings are held every fall (usually in September) to provide opportunity for local CWU Units to participate in area-wide events. The purposes of sharing information and inspiration, and experiencing
community as an ecumenical group. The Coordinator of Ecumenical Development, in consultation with the Executive
Board and Area Chairs, is responsible for scheduling and planning these area-wide events.
LOCAL LEVEL __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
The celebration materials suggest that units continue to utilize the dates shown, but allow the units to select another date in that month, if necessary.
May Friendship Day
1st Friday in May
May Friendship Day dates back to May 1933, and the group’s dream of unity in each local community. Under a variety of names, this event has continued and expander. It is an annual observance “to strengthen a growing sense of unity, the joy of Christian fellowship, and the power of Christianity in the day of need.” In 1999 the name of the celebration became May Friendship Day, as we continue to celebrate unity in our journey toward wholeness in all communities.
Human Rights Day
Units choice of a date
CWU remember that “all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms… without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status” *
We are meant to love everyone. This has been the message of CWU since our beginnings in 1943 and will continue to be one of the pillars that supports and drives our movement.
World Community Day
first Friday in November
World Community Day began in 1943 from the desire to set aside a day in the fall for the study of peace by church women.
The day continues to emphasize peace but has been broadened to include justice, a vital partner of peace. The categories of “domestic” and “foreign” are blurred so that the global scope of the wide range of problems can be emphasized on World Community Day.
World Day Of Prayer
1st Friday in March
​World Day of Prayer is a global ecumenical movement led by Christian women
who welcome you to join in prayer and action for peace and justice. CWU participate at various organizational levels in this meaningful ecumenical activity.
​https://worlddayofprayer. net/
Fellowship of the Least Coin
The International Fellowship of the Least Coin (IFLC) is a worldwide ecumenical movement of prayer for peace and reconciliation. Persons in this movement made a commitment to spend time in prayer, and to uphold in prayer others who are victims of jealousy, hatred, violence, and injustice to the family, community, nation, and the world. Every time one prays, she sets aside a "least coin" of her currency as a tangible token of her prayer. Church Women United is the custodian for FLC in the United States.
Crop Walk
Fall date set by CWS
In 2021 and going forward, we continue to fight against the challenges of disease, disaster, displacement and other concerns that leave people hungry.
All are invited to join to raise funds to help neighbors near and far get the meals they need today and sustainable food security for tomorrow.
​Church World Service
Units' choice of date
Church World Service was born in 1946, in the aftermath of World War II. Seventeen denominations came together to form an agency "to do in partnership what none of us could hope to do as well alone." The mission: Feed the hungry, clothe the naked, heal the sick, comfort the aged, shelter the homeless. 75 years later the mission remains.
Dimes for State
Dimes can be set aside to be collected at a time designated by local and/or state level CWU boards to be contributed to funding at the state level.
Nickels for National
Here’s an easy way to support the work of the National Office. Put nickels into a jar when emptying pocket/purse change. Place a container in a prominent place and ask attendees to donate any nickels they may have.
When your container is full, count the amount and send a check in the equivalent amount to the National Office, listing Nickels for National in the memo field. Your donation will be used to offset the operating expenses of running the National Office.
Key Women
These women are those who can be turned to to support CWU events and activities. They do not work alone but make themselves available to do the important work in a timely manner, so that the mission of the local, state and national CWU can proceed smoothly.
These women may be recognized during unit or local celebrations to show gratitude for all that they do.
Valiant Women
A Valiant Woman is a woman who has given service to CWU, her own church, and her community for extended periods of time. She does not have to always be a leader, but can be someone who leads in a quiet way through her example.
We have found individuals who live the Gospel message in their every day lives. An award of recognition from her local unit is given to such a woman.
Win Wednesday
Join us EVERY Wednesday at 12:00pm EST
Join our Lunch and Learn hour of power to discuss social issues and concerns to help redress global and national problems.
All are invited to gather EVERY Wednesday at Noon EST for a virtual hour of power to discuss social issues and concerns…
Meeting ID: 810 5538 0600
Passcode: 258057
*Excerpt taken from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, written by the UN in 1948